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Friday, May 15, 2009 , Posted by john at 3:59 AM

This template was designed by Kranthi of based on the wordpress theme by
Vivamus lectus sapien, pulvinar nec ultrices at, laoreet et urna. Suspendisse commodo risus a sapien pellentesque id elementum augue tincidunt. Proin viverra ipsum odio, vitae pellentesque leo. Integer a urna vitae erat consectetur suscipit. Mauris vel accumsan augue. Integer et diam non enim blandit blandit vel eget diam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris fermentum, nisl in elementum aliquet, nibh mi semper tellus, sit amet rhoncus est purus eu augue. Quisque pharetra tristique tincidunt. Duis eu sapien odio. Phasellus feugiat purus magna. Praesent vulputate molestie lacus ut lobortis. Curabitur eget magna eu tellus facilisis elementum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum quis quam eget risus pulvinar lacinia.

Donec accumsan placerat libero non imperdiet. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam lacinia vehicula nulla, id convallis nunc egestas a. Morbi et purus vitae neque pulvinar sagittis a quis justo. Praesent leo sapien, adipiscing sit amet dictum in, mollis sed sapien. Sed ligula est, cursus nec fermentum sit amet, varius sed odio. Nullam scelerisque tortor eu nulla placerat non bibendum quam porttitor. Duis viverra massa ligula, ac vestibulum eros. Phasellus iaculis, magna non tristique congue, ipsum neque porttitor purus, sit amet lobortis felis purus vel dui. Nulla auctor neque at arcu vehicula egestas. Integer nec tellus urna. Vestibulum cursus, massa vitae sagittis lobortis, magna arcu lobortis diam, nec cursus magna dui sit amet nisi. Suspendisse potenti.

Cras at quam ante. Suspendisse vulputate mattis tellus, et malesuada mauris molestie id. Morbi et blandit nibh. Nam suscipit semper sagittis. Sed ipsum diam, bibendum et tempus vel, convallis eget enim. Curabitur sit amet urna metus, id pellentesque mi. Morbi a nulla turpis, semper cursus sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed non tellus eu justo auctor viverra. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin luctus justo id nisl auctor in blandit urna tincidunt. Donec dui risus, consectetur vitae malesuada a, hendrerit nec enim. Vestibulum nunc velit, auctor eu pretium sit amet, bibendum semper metus. Mauris accumsan libero a nunc sodales elementum. Sed consequat nibh sit amet libero mattis eu ullamcorper nibh faucibus. Nulla ante nisl, auctor quis varius nec, interdum vitae ante.

Maecenas sollicitudin neque quis odio ornare egestas. Praesent sed erat ipsum, quis elementum massa. Etiam pulvinar bibendum enim consequat ullamcorper. Duis tempor interdum porttitor. Cras laoreet suscipit lobortis. Sed a mauris in sapien placerat vestibulum. Nunc gravida nibh vel lacus elementum et placerat erat commodo. Integer sapien odio, blandit non dapibus non, cursus id massa. Donec non metus odio, in suscipit urna. Praesent et diam erat, nec tempus mauris. Cras luctus nunc in augue lacinia commodo tempor ipsum vulputate. Aliquam ac lacus et purus imperdiet euismod.

Praesent libero nibh, pellentesque non luctus at, suscipit ut ipsum. Duis at erat ipsum, fringilla pharetra nibh. Proin vehicula congue odio, eget auctor lacus bibendum quis. Duis ultricies bibendum est, quis rhoncus lectus porta vel. Morbi at eros erat, et varius nisl. Morbi mattis eros sed tellus suscipit a condimentum nibh lobortis. Mauris mollis dictum nunc non facilisis. Suspendisse potenti. Cras diam dolor, blandit nec ullamcorper et, cursus vitae augue. Donec eros eros, vestibulum non elementum in, tempus non nunc. Pellentesque sodales ultrices sapien sed ullamcorper. Mauris viverra ante a tortor sollicitudin sit amet scelerisque lorem aliquet.

Currently have 59 comments:

  1. john says:

    Hi, This is the first Comment!

  1. john says:

    This is another one..

    YOU Can download this template at

  1. john says:

    And here is the Third Comment..

    Duis ultricies bibendum est, quis rhoncus lectus porta vel. Morbi at eros erat, et varius nisl. Morbi mattis eros sed tellus suscipit a condimentum nibh lobortis. Mauris mollis dictum nunc non facilisis. Suspendisse potenti.

  1. DRSP says:

    this is a fantastic template...I like it.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Kranthi.. could you please help me to get out of my prob wit this template. i am using this one but once i log out and wen i sign in i could not see my title of the blog (Falkner press or my blog name HIT songs lyrics). Could you please help me. Thanks for your time.

  1. Anonymous says:

    or else can u do me logo. i am new here. got impressed of your template and using now. My bog name is HIT songs Lyrics. (URL: Waiting for your reply!!!

  1. Anonymous says:

    Love the templete, but what is wrong with the comments section? I had to double click, hilight, then click again just for the box to open! A mighty, essential flaw in an otherwise fantastic template!

  1. Anonymous says:

    wow...mantab coy..

  1. How can I make a slideshow? I don't want the pictures to be static. Please let me know how to do it!! And please check reply my message whenever you have time...

  1. Anonymous says:

    cool Can I collec it?

  1. Pretush says:

    good theme.. will use this on

  1. The theme seems to have a problem with Internet Explorer 7, preventing the possibility to leave a comment.

    Btw I used Firefox to leave this comment

  1. Hi!
    Greatest work, you are great, we are using premium template for free! Thank you for all the wonderful things here. Can you please help me out on how i can use my Google search in instead of the search box in the falknerpress. Thanks.

  1. Beautiful template

  1. Keanu Tan says:

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  1. Liza says:

    hello i wana talk with u..this is my id

  1. iiz_n says:

    I cAn't undErStand th!S language. .Hiks. . .:'(

  1. Anonymous says:

    I just try your template


  1. f-hacker says:
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  1. shuk says:

    great template. will use it for my blog at

  1. Dudi Jaya S says:

    nice one.
    i used at :

  1. c_k says:

    Testing to see if this works.
    Donec accumsan placerat libero non imperdiet. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam lacinia vehicula nulla, id convallis nunc egestas a. Morbi et purus vitae neque pulvinar sagittis a quis justo. Praesent leo sapien, adipiscing sit amet dictum in, mollis sed sapien. Sed ligula est, cursus nec fermentum sit amet, varius sed odio. Nullam scelerisque tortor eu nulla placerat non bibendum quam porttitor. Duis viverra massa ligula, ac vestibulum eros. Phasellus iaculis, magna non tristique congue, ipsum neque porttitor purus, sit amet lobortis felis purus vel dui. Nulla auctor neque at arcu vehicula egestas. Integer nec tellus urna. Vestibulum cursus, massa vitae sagittis lobortis, magna arcu lobortis diam, nec cursus magna dui sit amet nisi. Suspendisse potenti.

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  1. Solanang says:

    enjoyyyyyyyyy azzzzzzzzzzza

  1. Jenna says:

    Hi, this an awsome template will use it in my next blogger,great thanks:

  1. This comment has been removed by the author.
  1. Unknown says:


  1. SuNiL says:

    Fantastic templates. Thanks for sharing. ~ Blogger's Guide

  1. m.s. says:

    Absolutely gorgeous layout! If I dare ask - would you have this in different, lighter color(s)?

  1. lolo says:

    hello gonna sit welecom to the mesh film world

  1. lolo says:

    hello gonna sit welecom to the mesh film world

  1. TStowe says:
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  1. TStowe says:

    .Installed .

  1. My Posts (Or Pages) dont get larger or they dont show the whole matter completely when i click on them, could you please help me out?

  1. WH Printing says:

    hi kranthi, i have try your theme it look like pro but how to fixed the page link like this because i am not good php coder to find the solution there. it's mean the page can not on full page, just always in summary shown.

  1. Jtech says:

    sir help.. i have to "newer post, home and older post" this happened when i open a post page. the first one is located at the bottom oy my body post and the second is located at the bottom. How can i remove the first one. here is my site still applying your template..

    please help.. thx..

    by the way your layout rock!! :)

  1. Unknown says:

    hey can you come to my blog?
    I already follow your blog

  1. Anonymous says:

    woowwwww.... nice blog.....testing/... Rahmatdi99 blog

  1. Unknown says:

    hello! Its missing the "older" "newer posts" or "1""2" "Next" what can i do for this?

    Thank you!

  1. Admin says:

    It's cool... good job bro :)

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    Nice template. It looks very professional.

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